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Total Combustion Solution 

Measure, Maximize, and Maintain Your Combustion System 
Real Experts. Real Data. At Your Fingertips.

measure, maximize & maintain your COMBUSTION
Increase your furnace performance up to 20% and sustain it with our Total Combustion Solution (TCS). TCS is the long-term solution you’ve been looking for, designed to reduce emissions, improve combustion efficiency, and cut operational costs.


Why Choose PSNERGY's TCS?

Everything you make goes through a furnace at least once. Combustion performance is directly tied to business performance. TCS is a cost-effective, long-term solution with an almost immediate ROI, leading to higher product quality, increased throughput, and reduced fuel costs.

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MEASURE: Combustion Monitoring & Alerting (CMA)

Our engineers have developed an IIoT solution, Combustion Monitoring & Alerting (CMA), to solve common combustion problems. CMA evaluates and optimizes your combustion system using modern technology and the PSNERGY Cloud, making combustion control effortless.

  • Real-time and historical data. Personalized combustion performance reports from a multitude of sensors.
  • Automated monitoring. Eliminates manual checks with real-time dashboards and digital meters.

Capabilities include measuring:

  • Zone, tube, and burner variations
  • Gas regulator performance
  • Motorized Control Valve (MCV) function
  • Heat-ups and downtime


MAXIMIZE: Radiant Tube Inserts (RTI's)

Combat challenges of your furnace with our patented Radiant Tube Inserts (RTIs). RTIs are a quick, retrofit solution designed to increase furnace performance by 10-20%, meeting environmental regulations and quality requirements.

Benefits include:

  • Increase radiant tube life and maximize heat transfer
  • Minimize hot spots and potential for cracked tubes
  • Reduce BTU's per ton, reduce emissions per ton, and increase throughput
  • Improve furnace temperature uniformity

RTIs are compatible with various furnace configurations: U-Tubes, W-Tubes, Straight Tubes, Trident Tubes, Recuperated & Non-recuperated systems.


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MAINTAIN: Expert Combustion Service Team

Achieving long-term combustion performance requires corrective action and preventive maintenance. Our biannual on-site service and training sessions give your team the data and support they need to optimize and maintain combustion performance. 

Benefits include:

  • Adjustment of motorized control valves and linkages
  • Tuning & balancing fire rates between tubes
  • Evaluation of all valves, orifice plates, and regulators.
  • Furnace walk-through
  • Service reporting
  • Equipment certification

Training sessions include:

  • Session 1. Classroom training on combustion fundamentals and the chemistry behind the flame.
  • Session 2. On-site furnace walk-through with a personalized tuning demonstration. 


Ensure Long-Term Performance. Ready to Learn More?


Benefits of Total Combustion Solution



  • Reduce Exposure to Hazards. Minimize your crew's exposure to high heat, CO, or oxygen-depleted environments.
  • Automate Combustion Checks. Replace manual checks with automated gas sampling.
  • Lower Emissions. Reduce emissions caused by poor combustion conditions.


  • Reliable Shipments. Ensure timely delivery of thermally processed materials.
  • Increased Throughput. Achieve faster delivery times by improving furnace efficiency.


  • Consistent Performance. Eliminate poor furnace performance, nonuniform heating, and process variability.
  • Real-time Data. Receive real-time, data-driven reports for consistent combustion quality.


  • Lower Gas Consumption. Decrease gas consumption per ton while maximizing BTU output.
  • Prevent Downtime. Avoid unplanned downtime with real-time maintenance alerts.
  • Enhanced Efficiency. Improve furnace efficiency and throughput up to 20%.

Taking your furnace from a maintenance
cost to a strategic resource. Are you ready?