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Furnace Screening

Let technology identify furnace issues that drive poor performance.

Uncover and resolve your combustion system abnormalities
Uncover your furnace abnormalities. Trend data across your whole zone with live data of what your furnace is really doing. Contact us to schedule an assessment and start optimizing your combustion system for superior performance.

What is a Furnace Screening?

A Furnace Screening is a comprehensive on-site industrial furnace assessment conducted by our experienced PSNERGY Combustion Engineers. We install portable combustion monitoring equipment to observe and trend continuous combustion data such as Excess Oxygen, CO, NOx, Combustion Air Pressure, and Gas Pressure. Our team collaborates with your maintenance staff to review historical furnace issues, analyze data for variations, and verify the correct functioning of various valves according to control schematics.



Furnace Screening Dancing Dots

Why Perform a Furnace Screening?

Industrial furnaces operating at high temperatures are prone to constant combustion changes and system degradation. Tuning your furnace annually, or even biannually, isn't enough. A PSNERGY Furnace Screening reveals the critical impact of poor combustion on your process, emphasizing the importance of continuous monitoring for safety, quality, delivery, and cost implications.

Simplify Combustion

  • On-Site Service:
    • Leverage PSNERGY’s combustion expertise with combustion technicians on site.

    • Installation of portable combustion monitoring equipment to continuously observe combustion.
    • For larger furnaces, a 'zoned' approach is taken to cover different sections.
  • Data Collection 
    • Screening tailored to the specific needs of the customer and the size and type of furnace 
    • Trending relevant continuous combustion data (e.g., Excess O2, CO, NOx, Combustion Air Pressure, Gas Pressure).
    • Working with the customer’s team to control furnace fire rate throughout its range to screen the function of control valving and turndown operation.
    • Reviewing historical furnace issues with the customer’s maintenance team.
  • Data Analysis
    • Analyzing the data for variations (time to time, burner to burner, zone to zone, setpoint vs actual, etc.).
    • Verifying valving (Motorized Control Valves, Gas Flow Regulators, Butterfly Valves, Adjustable Limiting Orifice Valves, etc.) for correct functioning.
    • Calculating tube flux on radiant tube burners to identify potential tube life issues (requires tube drawing).
PSNERGY Furnace Screening
PSNERGY Furnace Screening

Furnace Screening Technical Analysis

After the Furnace Screening, a technical analysis will be delivered to your team, analyzing the continuous combustion data gathered, as well as making furnace recommendations to enhance performance. With this data, our PSNERGY team will help you determine a complete ROI for recommended changed, including installing Combustion Monitoring and Alerting. This data and information will be accessible in the customer portal.

Furnace Screening Tech Analysis

Maximize Your Furnace Efficiency. Are you ready?